
Rodent Management

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Larger rodents may grow to a body length of 10 to 12 inches. Seldom will a rat weigh more than one pound.


Can vary from grey to brown to black. Found in coastal states or in agricultural lands, roof rats have long tails, thin bodies, and are large eyes and ears. Other kinds of rats are more prevalent in urban and rural areas, and are found in homes less often than mice because of larger size.


Outside, rats live in fields, wooded areas, vacant lots, farms, and just about anywhere. Rats are seldom a problem in homes except in urban and rural areas. Rats however, may find harbourage in many areas around the home – especially in stacked firewood, stones and bricks, and piles of leaves or other debris.


Few people really like rats or mice, and no one wants them in their house. Rodents live everywhere outside and could enter at any time, but fortunately, this does not occur often. Usually, most home invasions occur in the autumn months, because the seeds and plants on which rodents feed are gone. Rats and mice must then seek new food sources in the homes. Rats are excellent climbers and capable of gaining entry through holes around vents and around cables entering the building, through holes in gable vent screens, and through turbine and box vent on roofs. Many garage doors in homes allow enough space for rats to fit underneath, as well.